Imparting Spiritual Gifts

Have you ever wondered how spiritual gifts are imparted?  In the following document, we study in detail how Smith Wigglesworth, Oral Roberts, Mom and Dad Goodwin, and others received the great gifts and anointings God used them in.  This article will really challenge your assumptions:


Imparting Spiritual Gifts

by Mel C. Montgomery


“Let’s Take a Step Back and Consider”

An excerpt from my new book:

The Seven Laws of Balance: 

How to Judge Teachings

and Ignite

a Charismatic Reformation

Excerpt from Chapter 14

Let’s take a step back and consider the overall history of our movement.  The Pentecostal Revival began in 1900, and it regained new impetus with the Charismatic Renewal of the 1970s. Only about one hundred and ten years have passed since this modern reemphasis on the Charismata began. Our movement has had over a century to go from infancy to adolescence, and now I believe it is time to come into maturity. It seems reasonable to me to believe that God expects more from spiritual adults than He expects from spiritual infants and adolescents. In other words, I think God has put up with enough of our ignorance. I believe that He is beginning to correct our misinterpretations and misunderstandings of the Gospel, and if we want to move on with His full blessing, we must repent and conform to sound doctrine. I think that God wants us to return to preaching the Gospel of His Son, rather than the gospel men have thought up.

For more information please click HERE


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Excerpt from Chapter Two of “The Seven Laws of Balance”

Below is an excerpt from Chapter Two:  The Law of Precedent,

from my book, The Seven Laws of Balance.



For more information or to order this book, please click HERE.

How to Stir it Up When There’s Nothing Left to Stir

When you pray and reach out to God, but you are dry, God doesn’t seem to respond, and there is nothing left in you but burn-out, what do you do?  Mel draws upon the scriptures and his own experience with the Lord to teach and demonstrate how to get back in the flow.  The Holy Spirit manifests several times in tongues and interpretation.  At the end of the message, Mel gives an altar call and approximately 2/3rds of the congregation responds by coming forward or kneeling by their chairs to seek God’s face.

For more materials by Mel Montgomery, please visit

The Power of Perfect Worship

In this sermon, I teach the moving of the Spirit in the same way Mom Goodwin taught it to me–by teaching and demonstration. The Holy Spirit provides numerous messages in tongues and interpretation.

For more materials, please visit my website:

Message in Tongues: The Testimony of Jesus

October 9, 2010:

Towards the end of Sister Elizabeth’s October 2010 Holy Spirit Meeting, Brother Mel gave the following message in tongues:

“The Testimony of Jesus”

Rev. Mel Montgomery

(For additional spiritual resources please visit:

Message in Tongues: Pull Aside

May 8, 2010:


At the beginning of Sister Elizabeth’s May 2010 Holy Spirit meeting, Brother Mel was led to give the following message in tongues and to interpret it.  In this recording you can hear the kind of reverential atmosphere in which the Holy Spirit manifests His gifts:


“Pull Aside, Pull Aside, Pull Aside”

Rev. Mel Montgomery

A Prophetic Parable

     This parable was given by the Holy Spirit through Mel Montgomery as he ministered at Destined to Win Christian Center in Chicago, IL in 2007.  I trust it is a blessing to you.

      Brother Mel offers teaching articles and rare early Pentecostal recordings by download for free at his website,   

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      If you click on this video and all you see is a black screen with a circle circling around in it, this means that too many people are downloading from You Tube at that moment.  You may need to leave it downloading in the background, do some other things, and come back in 15 minutes or so.